Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Hétéro-Epitaxies et Applications

Code : LR20ES07

Communications Internationales

  1. Review of GaN thermal decomposition to acheive high density of strain-free GaN nanoparticles, N. Chaaben, W, Malek, M. Bouzidi and J.P. Salvestrini, MADICA 2022, Monastir-Tunisia, Novembre 09-11,2022.
  2. Growth of GaN nanoparticles by thermal treatment of GaN epilayer, W. Malek, M. Bouzidi, A. Mballo, P. Vuong, N. Chaaben and J.P. Salvestrini, MADICA 2022, Monastir-Tunisia, Novembre 09-11,2022.
  3. Temperature dependance of the optical transitions in III-V-Bi alloys. Contribution of thermal expansion, S. Zouaghi, H. Fitouri and A. Rebey, MADICA 2022, Monastir-Tunisia, Novembre 09-11,2022.
  4. The impact of thermal annealing on the physical properties of the Bi films, A. Ben Abdelwahed, S. Zouaghi, H.Fitouri, A. Rebey, MADICA 2022, Monastir-Tunisia, Novembre 09-11,2022.
  5. Oral: “Thermodynamic study of phase equilibria in the Ga-Sb-Bi compounds”
    Z. Ben Dhia, N. Elayech, and and H. Fitouri.
    The second International Meeting on Advanced Materials (IMAM-2021), 06-08 septembre 2021, Hammamet (Tunisia).
  6. Oral: “Effect of TMBi flow on the growth of cubic GaN on GaAs (114) substrate by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy”
    N. Souawda, S. Othmani, A. Mballo, P. Vuong, J. P. Salvestrini, and N. Chaaben.
    The second International Meeting on Advanced Materials (IMAM-2021), 06-08 septembre 2021, Hammamet (Tunisia).
  7. Oral: “Effect of growth temperature on properties of non-polar a-plane GaN layers grown by MOCVD on r-plane sapphire”
    F.Yahia, A.Kahouli, and N. Chaaben.
    The second International Meeting on Advanced Materials (IMAM-2021), 06-08 septembre 2021, Hammamet (Tunisia).
  8. Oral: “How to form GaN nanostructures by a simple anneal under N2 ambient?”
    W.Malek , A. Kahouli , A. Mballo, P. Vuong , J. P. Salvestrini and N. Chaaben
    The second International Meeting on Advanced Materials (IMAM-2021), 06-08 septembre 2021, Hammamet (Tunisia).
  9. Oral: “Strain-balanced GaNAsBi-based type-II multi-quantum wells for near-infrared photodetection range”
    N. Ajnef, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    The second International Meeting on Advanced Materials (IMAM-2021), 06-08 septembre 2021, Hammamet (Tunisia).
  10. Oral: “Confinement of excitons in GaNxAs1-x-yBiy/GaAs quantum dots: Binding energy study”
    W.Q. Jemmali, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    The second International Meeting on Advanced Materials (IMAM-2021), 06-08 septembre 2021, Hammamet (Tunisia).
  11. Oral: “Influence of substrate material on structural and morphological properties of Bi films”
    S. Zouaghi, H. Fitouri, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey,
    The second International Meeting on Advanced Materials (IMAM-2021), 06-08 septembre 2021, Hammamet (Tunisia).
  12. Poster: “Optoelectronic properties of GaNAsBi/GaAs strained structures”
    W.Q. Jemmali, N. Ajnef, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2018 Spring Meetting), 18 – 22 juin 2018, Strasbourg (France).
  13. Poster: “Effect of N and Bi resonant states on the band structure and absorption coefficient of GaNxAs1-x-yBiy/GaAs strained quantum well”
    N. Ajnef, W.Q. Jemmali, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2018 Spring Meetting), 18 – 22 juin 2018, Strasbourg (France).
  14. Poster: “Optical gain and radiative current density in 1.3 µm lattice-matched p-GaAs/i-GaNAsBi/n-GaAs multiple quantum well lasers”
    I. Guizani, W.Q. Jemmali, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2018 Spring Meetting), 18 – 22 juin 2018, Strasbourg (France).
  15. Poster: “Strain-balanced GaAsNBi/ GaAsBi type-II double quantum wells operating at 1.3 and 1.55 µm”
    K. Chakir, I. Guizani, C. Bilel, and A. Rebey.
    European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2017 Spring Meetting), 22 – 26 mai 2017, Strasbourg (France).
  16. Poster: “Characterizations of MOVPE-grown GaN layers on GaAs (110) substrate”
    I. Daldoul, N. Chaaben, I. Guizani, Y. El Gmili, A.Bchetnia, J.P.Salvestrini and A.Rebey.
    European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2017 Spring Meetting), 22 – 26 mai 2017, Strasbourg (France).
  17. Oral: “Optimisation of GaN growth on GaAs (11n) substrates”
    I. Daldoul, N. Chaaben, J.Laifi, Y. El Gmili, A.Bchetnia, J.P.Salvestrini and A. Rebey.
    Quantum Africa 4, 30 April – 5 May 2017, Tunis(Tunisie)
  18. Poster: “Investigation of optical gain in p-i-n GaNAsBi-based DQWs”
    I. Guizani, K. Chakir, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2017 Spring Meetting), 22 – 26 mai 2017, Strasbourg (France).
  19. Oral: “Carrier effective mass and optical property of strain-balanced InAsN/InAsBi type II DQWs for longer wavelength emission”
    K. Chakir, C. Bilel, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    Colloque Franco-Maghrébin «Nanomatériaux : Microstructure et Propriétés » (TRAMP-2017), 22 – 24 mars 2017, Hammamet (Tunisie).
  20. Oral: “p-doping and electric field effects on electronic band structure and optical properties of 1.55 µm GaNAsBi/GaAs QWs”
    I. Guizani, C. Bilel, M.M. Habchi, A. Rebey, and B. El Jani.
    International Meeting Matériaux 2016 (Matériaux 2016), 29 octobre – 01 novembre 2016, Hammamet (Tunisie).
  21. Poster: “Optimisation of p-doped GaNAsBi/GaAs SQWs operating at 1.55 µm”
    I. Guizani, K. Chakir, C. Bilel, M.M. Habchi, A. Rebey, and B. El Jani.
    European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2016 Spring Meetting), 02 – 06 mai 2016, Lille (France).
  22. Poster: “Theoretical study of the carrier effective mass in diluted III-N-V semiconductor alloys using 10-band k.p model”
    K. Chakir, C. Bilel, M.M. Habchi, A. Rebey, and B. El Jani.
    European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2016 Spring Meetting), 02 – 06 mai 2016, Lille (France).
  23. Poster: “Study of InGaAs/GaAs structures grown by MOVPE and in situ monitored by spectral reflectance”
    M. Bedoui, M.M. Habchi, K. Chakir, i. Moussa, A. Rebey, and B. El Jani.
    European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2016 Spring Meetting), 02 – 06 mai 2016, Lille (France).
  24. Oral: “Band structure calculations of GaNAsBi-based SLs operating at 1.55 µm”
    A. Ben Nasr, M.M. Habchi, A. Rebey, and B. El Jani.
    International Conference on Materials and Spectroscopy Methods (ICMSM-2016), 25 – 28 mars 2016, Hammamet (Tunisia).
  25. Oral: “Electric-field dependence of optical absorption in n-doped GaNAsBi-based MQWs operating at 1.55 μm”
    C. Bilel, M.M. Habchi, A. Rebey, and B. El Jani.
    International Conference on Materials and Spectroscopy Methods (ICMSM-2016), 25 – 28 mars 2016, Hammamet (Tunisia).

Communications Nationales

  1. Poster: “Biaxial tensile effect on band structure and absorption coefficient of GaNxAs1-x-yBiy/GaAs strained DQWs calculated using k.p method”
    N. Ajnef, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    Journée des Doctorants (JDD-2019) 3 juillet 2019, École doctorale Matériaux, Dispositifs et Microsystèmes, Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Monastir (Tunisie).
  2. Poster: “Thermal expansion contribution to the temperature dependence of the band gap in InGaAs and GaAsBi alloys”
    S. Zouaghi, H. Fitouri, and A. Rebey,
    Journée des Doctorants (JDD-2019) 3 juillet 2019, École doctorale Matériaux, Dispositifs et Microsystèmes, Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Monastir (Tunisie).
  3. Poster: “Comparative study of structural and optical properties of GaN grown on (001) and (113) oriented”
    F. Yahia, Y. El Gmili, J.P.Salvestrini, and N. Chaaben.
    Journée des Doctorants (JDD-2019) 3 juillet 2019, École doctorale Matériaux, Dispositifs et Microsystèmes, Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Monastir (Tunisie).
  4. Poster: “ Temperature effect on GaN:Bi growth behavior”
    W. Malek, C. Saidi, A. Bchetnia and Z. Chine
    Journée des Doctorants (JDD-2019) 3 juillet 2019, École doctorale Matériaux, Dispositifs et Microsystèmes, Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Monastir (Tunisie).
  5. Poster: “Numerical simulation for determining optoelectronic properties of strained GaNxAs1-x-yBiy using Pikus-Bir theory”
    W.Q. Jemmali, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    Journée des Doctorants (JDD-2019) 3 juillet 2019, École doctorale Matériaux, Dispositifs et Microsystèmes, Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Monastir (Tunisie).
  6. Oral: “ Characterizations of MOVPE-grown GaN layers on GaAs (110) substrate”
    I. Daldoul, N. Chaaben, Y. El Gmili, A.Bchetnia, J.P.Salvestrini and A. Rebey.
    12ème Colloque National de Recherche en Physique (CNRP-12) – Société Tunisienne de Physique (STP), 18 – 21 mars 2017, Hammamet (Tunisie).
  7. Poster: “Strain effect on electronic properties of GaAsBi/GaAs structures ”
    W.Q. Jemmali, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    12ème Colloque National de Recherche en Physique (CNRP-12) – Société Tunisienne de Physique (STP), 18 – 21 mars 2017, Hammamet (Tunisie).
  8. Oral: “Propiétés de GaN épitaxié par EPVOM sur substrat GaAs (110)”
    I. Daldoul, N. Chaaben, Y. El Gmili, J.P.Salvestrini and A.Bchetnia.
    2ème Journées des jeunes chercheurs – Société Tunisienne de Physique (STP), 24 – 26 novembre 2016, Palais des Sciences de Monastir, Monastir (Tunisie).
  9. Poster: “Restructuration des bandes d’énergie électroniques des alliages dilués GaAsN sous l’effet de tension biaxiale”
    W.Q. Jemmali, M.M. Habchi, and A. Rebey.
    2ème Journées des jeunes chercheurs – Société Tunisienne de Physique (STP), 24 – 26 novembre 2016, Palais des Sciences de Monastir, Monastir (Tunisie).
  10. Oral: “Dependence of the optical properties on the well thickness in n-doped GaN0.58yAs1-1.58yBiy/GaAs QWs operating at 1.3 µm”
    C. Bilel, M.M. Habchi, A. Rebey, and B. El Jani,
    Fifth Tunisian Crystallographic Meeting (TCM-5), 20 – 24 mars 2016, Hammamet (Tunisie).